Young, you want girls,
and the girls you're supposed to get
(you know, "get"), in the movies,
anyway, are cool and sexy and
give you that look and swish away
with a racy double entendre and you
know, you just know,
but all the girls you meet are
just persons, school kids,
like you, sexy, maybe (some of them),
but also saying mostly dumb,
ordinary things, sometimes having
blackheads or tired eyes or
runny noses, so you concentrate
on their tits, their rosy cheeks,
the motions of their hips and
masturbate over carefully crafted
images of them and keep
trying to turn them into
something unattainable so that
you can attain it, and, if you're really
maybe 30 years later, you'll
exchange a smile (for starters)
with your wife and notice
with relief and joy, that she's
just a person, like you.